Mar,17,2024visited: 414

Step 1: Join WREN’s Expert Network

To register for our network, simply provide some basic contact information and your employment history.
*All information in our network will remain confidential

Step 2: Receive & Accept Relevant Projects

After your profile passes our background check and you accept our terms and conditions, you will be notified when a project that matches your talents becomes available.

Step 3: Client Selection & Scheduling

After accepting the project, your profile will then be sent to the client, who will choose the best fit.

If you are ultimately selected for the project, we will schedule a consultation between you and the client based on your availability.

Step 4: Consultation & Payment

After you have finished the one-on-one phone or in-person consultation, your payment will be paid according to the terms and conditions as stipulated in the service agreement.


Wren Information Technology Co., Ltd wrenth.com